Japantown San Jose has been alive for more than 126 years now.
San Jose Japantown town is located north of Downtown, and it is of the most prominent Japanese landmarks in the US. The development of the town is associated with what was then Chinatown that was developed by John Heinlen, but which faded away due to the great depression.
San Jose Japantown town is located north of Downtown, and it is of the most prominent Japanese landmarks in the US.
The Japanese American Museum of San Jose holds the history of the Japanese in this area.
The San Jose Buddhist Church Obon Festival is the largest Japanese festival event in San Jose Japantown.
The first generation Japanese (Issei) came to Santa Clara Valley because of the large farming work around 1890.
On Jackson Street there is metered parking. If you park off the main street you have 2 hour parking.
Shuei-Do Manju Shop. They bake fresh Manju daily and everything is made by hand, the old fashioned way.